Grocery store for sale in Lanaudière
Only grocery store in the village
In a very busy tourist area where you can find fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, camping, cottages and a large recreational lake.
Store in place for several years
The owner wants to concentrate on his other businesses.
Very clean, compliant with MAPAQ
Its offer is complete: marinated meats with smokehouse, fruits and vegetables, prepared meals, bakery, full grocery store including beer and an SAQ agency.
Surface area of 3,900 sq. ft.
The grocery store has 2 rentals: a 4 1/2 and a 3 1/2, furnished and currently available for rental.
Store and building in excellent condition
Exterior cladding redone 3 years ago
Refrigeration system redone 2 years ago
Very good stable team in place with experience which will facilitate the transition.
Bonichoix Market with Sobeys
Price: $750,000 + Inventory
Sales of $3,600,000 and more
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