Now, his expertise is focused on leasing commercial spaces on the South Shore, with an extensive service offering including real estate sales once the job is done. Additionally, after the pandemic in 2022, he materialized a new project by opening his own restaurant with a friend, thus enriching his experience and deepening his knowledge in this field.
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Longueuil, Rive-Sud, Canada
Longueuil, Rive-Sud,
Saint-Hubert, Rive-Sud,
Longueuil, Rive-Sud, Canada
Saint-Hubert, Rive-Sud,
Saint-Hubert, Rive-Sud, Canada
Saint-Hubert, Rive-Sud, Canada
Longueuil, Rive-Sud, Canada
Brossard, Rive-Sud, Canada
Longueuil, Rive-Sud, Canada
Greenfield Park, Rive-Sud, Canada
Brossard, Rive-Sud, Canada
Brossard, Rive-Sud, Canada
Saint-Hubert, Rive-Sud, Canada